Graphic designer, artistic director, designer, illustrator, painter, digital artist, communicator ..., Notte is a "modern artist" who combines a classic sensitivity with a start-up spirit.

It is sometimes difficult to find your way, Laurent Notte never really hesitated. “Already in kindergarten, I wanted to be a designer; In primary School, the vanishing lines and the treatment of my drawings amazed my teachers, ”he smiles. The choice to train in graphic design professions will only be a formality, and the ambition to quickly stand on its own two feet too. At just 25 years old, he declared himself a self-entrepreneur, then joined forces to create a communication agency; the experience will not be conclusive. He will prefer to resume his journey, solo, and move forward with his hand on his projects; they are numerous. When we ask Laurent about his inspirations, he evokes the Fibonacci curve, golden ratio, Leonardo da Vinci, Warhol and computers - graphic tablet, Illustrator, Indesign ...

Finally, the artist draws as much from the avant-garde as classicism. With sincerity, he frolics in a universe which mixes desire for success and artistic practice. Laurent Notte is a complete, multidisciplinary artist; even a gifted man, "who does not want to restrict himself but go after his dreams." Modern, curious, erudite, inventor; his fervor for Italian Renaissance painting was probably not the result of chance.



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